Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scholarship Research Entry

The following is from this website:

Scholarship #1: Laurentian University National Deans’ Scholarship Award
Money: 4 payments of $20,000 over 4 years
-          Student has an average of 90% or higher
-          Lots of contribution to school and community
-          Outstanding leadership skills
Why I think I can get it:
-          I have an average of 93%
-          I have participated in extracurricular activities such as Instrumental Band, and I have 500 community volunteer hours
-          I am well-known for helping others do better and I am in the Student Council

Scholarship #2: Toronto East Rotary Club Service Scholarship Award
-          A payment of $4000 for 1st year
-          A payment of $1000 for 2nd year
-          Student is going to participate in post-secondary education
-          Student has earned 100 community hours per year at high school during Grade 10, 11 & 12
-          500 word essay on how the student has contributed to community
-          3 references
Why I think I can get it:
-          I plan on going to McMaster University and studying in Life Sciences
-          I am currently earning 250 hours per year in community service
-          My essays are terrific, represent thought and determination
-          All my teachers see me as a great student

Scholarship #3: Queens Major Entrance Scholarships
Money: $26,000 - $40,000
-          Student has won variety of awards
-          90% or higher average
-          Good leadership skills
-          Student s with financial difficulties
-          Student participate in school or is involved in the community
Why I think I can get it:
-          I excel in many subjects, giving me a great chance of winning awards in school programs
-          I currently have a 93% average
-          I help others in learning and I am in the Student Council
-          I am very active in the community and I also participate in extracurricular school programs

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