Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cover Letters Assessment

Rankings for the Cover Letters: 9, 3, 2, 11, 12, 8, 1, 5, 18, 4, 17, 14, 7, 13, 15, 10, 19, 16, 10, 6

Reasons for choosing the top 3 cover letters: My top 3 cover letters were 9, 3, and 2. The reasons why I chose these particular letters as the best ones out of all of them is because they consist of excellent diction, grammar, punctuation. This shows the employer that the applicants are sufficient in communication and are prepared for the job. The design, layout, format and organization of these letters are outstanding and are much better as compared to any other cover letter from the list. The text was very easy to follow. The formatting was excellent. The design was also high appealing. Also the content was relevant and outstanding. The content showed that the applicants have all degrees, experience and other requirements needed for the job along with other relevant experiences that can contribute to the job. Combined with proper design and fine communication skills, these are simply the best cover letters. Thus, the employer would definitely be interested to see what information is provided in the resume.

Reasons for choosing the bottom 3 cover letters: My bottom 3 cover letters had qualities that were quite the opposite of the top 3 cover letters, which delivered an outstanding performance in terms of job applications. The bottom 3 cover letters - 16, 10 & 6 - lacked these professional qualities and stand out as the worst cover letters of all of them. Overall, the language was problematic in all of these cover letters. Punctuation was not proper. There were spelling issues and there were also issues with grammar. The layouts/designs were also unappealing. The contents were not properly organized and were hard to follow. Also, speaking of content, the information was mostly irrelevant. The experiences presented by all 3 applicants are not experiences that are related or can contribute to these jobs. Thus, these experiences are not recognized. So, all in all, adding up the grammatical problems, format flaws, and irrelevance of information, the applicants seem not to have the requirements, skills or experiences for this job and appear to be people who really do not want this job and are looking forward to ANY job. This is quite disappointing and these applicants' resumes will probably not be read let alone the applicants being hired for the job.

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