However, despite being so confident and hopeful for my career as an attorney, I feel like I have only gone downhill. I do not like reviewing laws and regulations. It is hard for me to tolerate the role of politics in this course. Also, I detest the way that this profession is practiced back and forth in artificial, unrealistic scenarios.
Now taking everything into consideration once again after a failed attempt at high school, at this point, I have no other career option as a back up plan. Also, I have stayed 1 more year at school to work extra hard, achieved excellence and even gained a full scholarship for my first year in University. Now comparing all these up-sides to the single down-side of my first year here, it really does not balance and my work and efforts outdo the complaints I have about first-impressions of my first year in University.
Thus, I am deciding to stay in this career path, hence continuing working toward my Bachelor`s degree here in University of Toronto. This is because the work I have put into coming here cannot simply be thrown away by foolish complaints about first impressions. And at the same time, I have no second option as an alternate career because that would mean I would have to throw away all my efforts and even my scholarship - something I am never willing to do.
In conclusion, I will carry on with this annoying University law course because I am sure even at the end of this boring rainbow, pots of gold await me.
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